About Me
So far, we have visited 14 countries. We are now running around the world in search of more wonderful “MONO” in more countries.
We will connect Japan and the world with a leading figure who knows the trade and has made crowdfunding widely known in Japan.
Office invitation
CEO :junko.sasagawa

Employment history:
Worked for an IT-related company,E-commerce site management
Traveling abroad, watching movies
We are looking for wonderful “MONO” by visiting exhibitions and cities around the world.Europe, Oceania, Asia, America… Bringing the best of the world to Japan!May your life be filled with the world’s wonderful things…
世界中の展示会や街中を巡りいろいろ素敵「MONO」を探しています。 ヨーロッパ、オセアニア、アジア、アメリカ・・・全世界の素敵を日本へ。人生が素敵で満たされますように・・・。